Sunday, 22 March 2020

Hello World..

So... It has been 6 years since my last post, and to be fair looking at this blog, I did a shitty job of a blog!! 3 posts in 10 months. Well all I can say Costa Rica stole my heart. I will be forever una tica! La verdad.

If you are reading this for the first time and thinking who is this crazy woman? Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am Luci with and I not a Y don't ask why just spell it with an I, thanks. As you can gather I have travelled (I'm keeping my life story for my number 1 best selling book.)

School 2008 Lets just say...I went to many different schools, lost count in fact 7 or 8 maybe  but any ways I was a bit of a little shit, always had respect though but school wasn't an education for me, I needed to see the world. I had bigger plans than school! What it did teach me though is how I could be a entrepreneur in many many ways. (For the book) My predicted grades well lets just say they wouldn't have given me a chance in life. There is always many arsehole teachers in a school to a kid and maybe 3 or 4 will stand out and change their life. That is what happened with me. I remember going to a college day and all I wanted to do was Art, Drama and Maths, the college I wanted to go to had a preforming arts studio, I had to dance, sing and preform... What more would a girl want in her life???? And I will never forget the careers advisor at school the day after telling me, with my grades I would be better suited to becoming a beautician or hairdresser (YES BECAUSE WE ARE ALL DUMB AS FUCK APPARENTLY) even though we have to know every ingredient that has a chemical reaction and why, also we know every lymph node, muscle and bone yet we are not classed as skilled workers (But that is for another day). I went home, thought about it and worked out from a conversation with my parents that I got funding from the government from 16-19. I had 3 years worth of learning. My parents they always taught me that with a skill or a trade you could go anywhere in the world and still do what you love, and make money. So I was obsessed with beauty, I used to stare at people in class and instantly know what would frame their face or if they needed to where their hair a certain way, to show their best features, I wanted to make art all over there faces. (All this was going on while I probably should of been listening to the teacher like) Actually I was probably concentrating on her face.

Anyways I lost myself a bit there, I like the sound of my own voice and I have a lot to say so for those of you that do not know me... Yeah you'll either love me or hate me but I am just being me. My mother always said "If you believe in anything, you should believe in yourself" Fast forwarding I got all my beauty qualifications, I also enrolled in some travel qualifications and then met a bad guy, fucked my life up for a bit,got a job, saw the cash, didn't go back and study, had some very good times but equally very bad. I'm not going to go into any details but I was a 15 year old girl that thought I was 21.. I played the part well, I'm sure my friends will argue and say there was many times they would have to pick me up from party's or hold my shoes, But I was very lucky I've always had a majority of amazing friends, all my life, whether we loose touch for years, we are always the same, They have my back, I have theirs. <<< Something that I learnt growing up that not many people in this world get. 

Anyways 2012 was one of the hardest years of my life I would say I lost a special friend, actually he was a pain in the arse to be honest and I hated him most of the time haha (everyone reading this who knew him would say the same) He was taken way too soon, he had so much more to give. He was 7 years older than me (but remember I was 15 going on 21) he worked at his mums school and the kids adored him. Every body adored him! The first day we met Id only just moved to Huddersfield I was a chav 14 years old and I loved Bassline... We ended up going out on my first night out in Huddersfield (I was an alcoholic then I would say) I was sick and he took me home with our friends, they put me to bed and woke me up for school the next morning ironically play Razorlight "In the morning". Fucking dickhead! That's where our brotherhood began. He taught me many things in my life, we always spoke about his little sister (she was two years below me) and how proud he was when I started volunteering at a youth club at 16 alongside college. Now don't get me wrong I am painting this guy to be a saint he was a fucking arse hole that I once caught breaking into my house because he missed the last bus and was trying to cut my fucking cats whiskers off because he heard that they would fall over and wanted to test it!!!!! But when all is said and done his death it made me want to better myself. So I did. I broke away from a 7 year toxic relationship. And I got a chance to find myself. <<<< Now ask me if I could change all that would I? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT!!

My Tio (uncle in Spanish) who has always been somewhat of my guardian angel, whenever I was in any sort of trouble Id always know he would be there, Know someone or something or just to fix me with just simple words. This time he told me about an opportunity that had came up for me to volunteer abroad for 6 weeks... I applied and got rejected for basically being to formal in my written application.  Buuuuut Fate always creeps in and the same company wanted me for a new project to go to Uruguay for 6 month and teach English. Now if your still reading, I bet your thinking How can you teach someone English when you are 1. from Yorkshire and 2. Cant spell (I'm dyslexic btw found that out way later in life) Well don't worry boys and girls I didn't teach people in Latin America to say Eyup... No due to unforeseen circumstances the project was cancelled. Yeah I quit my job at a nail salon... Had no savings, started thinking it was a sign, I was going to be kidnapped (I Love conspiracy theories) and convinced myself not to go. Now remember them friends I said I had that were amazing 2 of them are probably my most important people in my life. Smarkles and T.P Tonkington. Between them and my dad they shipped me off like they give zero fucks  about my safety!!!

Below I did write some articles (that sounds like I'm important) about Costa Rica but if I'm been honest I had shit internet, didn't want to get robbed, so kept my phone at home and was too busy having a good actually the best time of my life. Ask T.P. Tonkington for a reference (if you want to here more ill ask her to feature in my next article haha). I think she thought Id lost the plot. I think the person I am surprises a lot of people. For one I will never forget my mentor Isaac, telling me if a guy buys you this drink in a bar you never drink it!!! of course Luci being Luci as soon as he left I ordered and drank it LA COCARARCHAAA cant tell you any more about the night apart from it was good. There is 3 very important girls I met her that forever have a piece of my heart, a gained a beautiful little Swiss sister, and 2 amazing best friends, In fact one of them she is my Italian soulmate. But these guys need their own part as do my Costa Rican familia.

God I fucking ramble... Maybe go have a wee break?

So I came home, Went back, Came home!

Remember Smarkles... Well that little fucker changed the game when  he decided to tell me he loved me! I slapped him. Very confusing time for me this. I was 22 or 21 (I think I forgot a birthday out in Costa Rica) and we had been best friends for 9 years. 13 years old I met outside a co op when I skived school with his cousin because well I just did. BOOM Fate again... Well Im not sure wether to thank fate or unthank fate for this one but ill give it to you 

Imagine a movie

Aspiring young golfer moves from Manchester back to his Dads home town in Huddersfield
Aspiring young Luci moves from Wakefield to a town full of sheep and cows called Huddersfield.

Two star crossed lovers... haha No am fucking with ya but we definitely changed each others lives.

Fast forward now to 2020..

I am a fiancee ,We have 3 dogs, We own our first house, My own business as a beauty therapist and I teach too and Smarkles is a shit hot golfer. Got it all right? But why do I feel so unfulfilled? We are not ready for children before you ask. I just feel like I have more to offer the world. I got to a point in my life where I didn't want to go out, I couldn't sleep, I hated my life and the only thing I was offered was anti depressants and a waiting list. So this is the reason I am here, I had been pondering over what I wanted to do with my life for some time and I kept coming back to writing. So I thought that I would write a blog, see what you fuckers think.. If you like it ill carry on! But it is more for me my therapy, where no one can put me down. I am all for equality and diversity and I believe that If I can put a smile on one persons face by them reading this and thinking, Who's this dickhead then my job is done!!

I will be discussing all sorts if you want me to of course
I will post:
Beauty tips, health tips to get us through this crazy Corona Virus
Being self Employed and the worries about Businesses but also the NHS Heros
What favourite trainers I have, clothes hauls
How as woman we are amazing, we should empower each other
How the beauty industry is one of the highest earners for economy yet 'we just paint nails'

So read away and share please. (If thats what you do)
 haha I'm so old school!! 

 Chao Pescado x

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